Walkin On Water
Man Eating Cows
Mud Skippers
Lemmon Heads
Walkin On Water Man Eating Cows Mud Skippers Lemmon Heads
TRIBES is a multi-week sports outreach to our community. We use camp style games to attract students with the goal of some of these kids, who do not go to church, to stick around after tribes is over. Each week the 4 tribes will compete in various field games at Buck Creek. Many students have already been broken into their respective tribe, but if your student has not been assigned a tribe then they will be placed on their first Sunday. Each Tribe begins with equal sizes, but as the summer goes on students have complete control over how big their Tribe grows. For example Team A can invite 10 friends one week and still compete against Team B who only invited 2 friends.
We will meet for 6 Sundays throughout the Summer (Dates Listed Below). We will gather at Buck Creek from 5-7. Dinner will not be provided, so make sure to plan accordingly.
Making Homes Warmer, Safer, & Drier
Making Homes Warmer, Safer, & Drier
Appalachia Service Project
This summer Alabaster First UMC will be partnering again with ASP in their long-standing mission of making homes warmer, safer and drier. As we approach the trip, please be in prayer for our students and leaders who will be traveling to Dickinson County Virginia June 16-22. We can’t wait to watch them be ambassadors of the gospel and of FUMC Alabaster. We will be posting pictures daily on our instagram and Facebook stories, in addition to a recap post. So make sure to stay tuned, to see what the teams are up to!